Saturday 23 January 2010

Step by step of how I produced my digipak front cover

Below are the stages which describe how I produced my final front cover for my digipak (The final version is shown at the end) The description is written in the blue box. I am very happy with my overall final front cover, as it links in with our title "Nobody's Home" with the door signifying home, yet Tamas looks lost as he searches endlessly for our female protagonist.
To begin with, the photo above was one which I took a few weeks back when me and my family were on holiday in Cornwall, and the building is of a cinema in a town called Wadebridge! I like the connotations of the red door, which is why I am using this image, as below you can see that I have manipulated the colours to there full potential.
The effect which I was aiming for here is to manipulate the contrast to produce an unrealistic mise en scene in terms of the texture, which almost makes the front cover look animated. I particularly think that the lighting looks good as it is contrasted against the overall quite dark mise en scene, and produces a chiaroscuro effect.

Now, I have added in Tamas into the background, which my original photo of him crouching, to convey his feeling of loss. This pose fits in with the mise en scene because it connotes heart break, as his hands are clutched together to show his frustration.

Finally, I added a photographed piece of cardboard, and chalked in the typography of the title. This gives the CD cover a quirky effect, and makes the album look slightly different amongst the others, as it emphasizes the lighting.

Overall, I decided to have the kisses after "Nobody's Home" because it is a symbol of a love story narrative, which indicates the theme of the album. The dark and sinister mise en scene also looks effective, and produces quite a dark atmosphere which matches our male protagonists state of mind. The colour red also connotes love, which is why I had it stand out and contrast against the rest of the mise en scene.

1 comment:

  1. Splendid references to research and the germination of your ideas. Have you posted your magazine advert which is marketing the release of your digipak onto your blog. If not this needs to be done urgently.
