Sunday 31 January 2010

My Magazine Advert

Magazine advert featured in NME magazine, because this magazine promotes bands of the same genre as "The New York Fund." The following genres include; Indie, Rock, Pop Rock, Folk Rock etc. NME is also a well known music magazine, therefore it would make sense for my magazine advert to appear in here.
This is my final version of my magazine advert. I decided to use the pose of Tamas sleeping on the couch because it connotes the idea of him being tired from being on the tour Furthermore, in the bottom corner I have used the "KLEF records" again with the yellow symbol to promote the record label, since the idea of a magazine advert is centred around promoting the artist alongside the record company. The symbol of the guitar is also included, as it is suggestive of the genre as obviously on stage the artist will be playing guitars live to their fans. Similarly to the digipak, I have used the symbol of the red door because it connotes love and links in with their album; something which an audience will recognise. The door also looks effective against the black mise en scene as it contrasts against the colour; another feature which I used on my digipak. Also, with my magazine advert I decided to promote their tour, and I have achieved this by typing in each destination they are playing at and the dates so their audience will know. This is also a common feature in magazine adverts; with the aim of them to promote when they are playing so this increases the tick sales.


  1. A nice brand style Lucy, though it's a shame you haven't included the lead singer's muse!! Dont forget website on digipak and mag advert.

  2. Lucy you need to positively promote your artist in the mag advert and to remember the focus is on the release of the digipak. Avoid images of the artist looking tired....not a good idea - artists should look energetic and vibrant, though I do like the image of Tams looking moody and thoughtful.

    Do note the advert is not promoting a tour though it could some minimal text on tour dates. But avoid cluttering.
