Thursday 17 December 2009

Influences for my Digi pak

The reason that this is a good example for a digi pak, is because at the time this CD was released, Leona Lewis was a new artist; therefore this was the first digi pak released. As a result, because I and my group have the task of prommoting a new band/artist, this is a good example of how to successfully promote a new artist.

To begin with, you straight away notice the mise en scene of the close up shot of Leona Lewis's face. This allows fans to walk past in shops, and notice her CD straight away because it stands out. By using the close up, this promotes Leonas image, therefore her fans will gain familiarity with her and her image. However, Leona Lewis is made to look very seductive on the front of the album;hardly a pure image. To begin with, her lips are emphasized making them appear sexy, thereby appealing to perhaps males. Alongside her hair and make up being heavily made up, consequently making Leona look like she should be either appearing in a glossy magazine cover or perhaps even a shampoo advert. However, the glossiness of the image is a reflection of the producers targeting a mainstream audience who are likely to read glossy magazines, such as "Cosmopolitan."

The white typography of Leona Lewis's name stands out against the mise en scene, so it is therefore noticeable to an audience, alongside the yellow typography of the word "spirit," obviously indicating the name of the album. The main attraction of this album cover though is that it is simple, and not overly detailed with a complicated mise en scene or something happening in the background. As a result, it makes the album cover look simplistic, yet attractive and appeals to an audience. Especially the feature of Leonas hair, as it fans out across the album cover, catching the eye of a passing crowd in a record shop.


  1. Well done for posting examples.
    ....Leona is also made to look attractive and "pure" in this image.."pure" hardly. Seductive yes. Look at the empahsis on the lips; she is also quite heavily made up and I'd suggest her hair has been carefully manicured.
    This could be an advert for shampoo or lipstick!!! Note the glossiness of the image reflects that the producers are targeting a mainstream audience who are likely to be into Pop Idol and consumer magazines.

  2. Thanks miss, I have made a vast improvement to this blog post alongside the other ones you have commented on.
