Wednesday 28 October 2009

Possible Alternative Endings

As a group, we have made numerous changes to the narrative of our music video in order to make it more interesting than just having our male protagonist walking down streets. The main change being that we have decided to introduce a twist to the plot. The twist being that our male protagonist is in fact a ghost chasing after our female protagonist, as he is in reality dead.
In order to achieve this, we have decided to have connotations of death which give a clue to our audience that our male protagonist is dead. For example, at points in our music video we are going to use cross fades between both our female and male. For instance, we have our female protagonist over looking the bridge into the water, and then the shot will cross fade into our male protagonist looking over the bridge in the exact same position. Also, we have a "dream scene," where toward the beginning of our music video we shall have our male protagonist knock on our female protagonist door, then the dream part is that our female protagonist opens the door and he is standing there waiting for her and he goes in. However, then the shot will fade back into reality where our female protagonist opens the door, yet no-one is there. In order to distinguish the dream scenes from reality, we shall have a blue tint in the dream shots, to signify a change.
Another idea is that whilst filming, we have filmed plenty of shots using strong slight, and a shot which we will use towards the end of our music video is going to be our male protagonist walking down a lane into very strong light, which is a connotation of heaven, and signifies an idea that our male protagonist is his girlfriends "light." Therefore, by having our male protagonist walk into "heaven" at the end of our music video, we hope that our audience will understand that he has been dead the whole time. We are also planning on developing this idea of light by editing the colouring of the mise en scene throughout our music video. For example, in the shots of our female protagonist, we shall make the lighting of the mise en scene dull, as it signifies that she is grieving and un happy, therefore in the scenes with our male protagonist we shall make the mise en scene bright and happy as it signifies heaven.
Furthermore, towards the ending of our music video, we shall have a sequence which is filmed at a graveyard. For example, me and my group have decided that we shall shoot both our female protagonist entering the graveyard, followed by our male protagonist entering. As a result, we will play on the idea of our male protagonist grieving over him at his grave, yet our male protagonist will be looking out for her in spirit, as he follows our female protagonist as she walks around the graveyard. We have also decided on using plenty of cross fades between low angle close up shots of both our actors to quicken the pace and build a climax before it is revealed to the audience that our male protagonist is in fact dead. Just before the shot of our male protagonist "walking towards the light," we shall have a close up shot of him walking into a grave stone in the darkness, in which bright light is reflecting of it, to signify our male actor walking to rest in his grave stone.
As a result, we haven't decided yet on how we are going to shoot our male protagonist killing himself. We have decided upon our male protagonist committing suicide over his love for our female actress, as he believes that she isn't in love with him anymore. The first possible alternative ending is having our male protagonist shooting himself with a gun. The problem with this however is how to get hold of a realistic gun and using it somewhere which isn't very public. However, another alternative ending is to have our male protagonist drown himself in a bath tub. as we have a running theme of water used in our shots throughout our music video. We haven't decided yet which one, so as a result we may film both then see which ending looks more effective.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting idea but why not leave the manner of the boy's death ambiguous and leave it to the audience to make the decision. I think this would make the music video more enigmatic and perhaps take out a cheesy element.
