Tuesday 20 October 2009

Alterations in Narrative

After much discussion with my media group, we have come to a decission that the narrative for our music video of focusing on just the male protagonist walking is too broing. Therefore we have decided upon tweaking our narrative in order to induce more hooks.
To begin with, we have decided that there will be a murder in the storyline. Our initial idea is for our male protagonist to be driven by such insanity, that at the end of the music video he is driven to shoot our female protagonist with a gun. Therefore, throughout the music video, there shall be recurring images of a gun to connote death. For example, at the beginning of our music video we have decided that there will be a close up shot of the gun smoking, to signify murder. This also introduces a very film noir effect within our music video. We are also going to include plenty of cross fades. For example, we shall have one shot tracking our male protagonist as he steps onto a bridge, then our next shot will be that he cross fades into our female protagonist stepping of the bridge. Therefore, this will mean that it signifies them as a couple, and represents how they used to be together and in love. We shall also have a shot which shows our female protagonist crying over photo's of them being together in the past, and we shall use a close up of her tears.
We also have possible alternative endings for our music video. These include:
  • We end in a scene of a grave yard. We have our male protagonist standing by a grave, and he turns round to a girl walking past him wearing a red coat (what our female protagonist will be wearing), and because he thinks she is ignoring him, our male protagonist shoots her. However, after the shooting he will walk over and discover that in fact the girl isn't his girlfriend and is in fact a stranger.
  • We have a simpler ending, where we have both our male and female protagonist standing by a tree with autumn leaves surrounding them. Then we shall have the camera focus on simply our male protagonist with a medium shot, then the camera will pan back onto the space where the girl is standing, yet it is now empty. Therefore signifying that the girl has died.

1 comment:

  1. I'd suggest that as you're marketing a new band the inclusion of the gun as a signifier, together with the notion of suicide could cause complaint from viewers. As I've already suggested why not leave the death ambiguous.
