Sunday 23 August 2009

A Sample of the Questionnaire I Distrubuted to Participants for my A2 Summer Project

How do Males and Females Respond Differently to Music?
(please tick next to the answer which most applies to you)
1) Do you listen to the same genre of music as your group of friends?
- Yes, me and my friend's have the exact same taste in music, it's the one thing which we all have in common
- It varies, we do like similar genre's of music, yet I also listen to my own songs which my friend's probably wouldn't listen to
- Not at all, we have completely different taste in music!
2) Do you aspire to dress and look like your favourite band/artist?
- Of course, I copy their fashion style in an attempt to look like them
- I admire what they wear, but don't go out and buy copies of there clothes
- No, I don't dress like any of my favourite bands/artists
3) Where do you hear about new and up coming bands/artists which you may be interested in?
- Word of Mouth. (My friends etc)
- Adverts on TV/Radio/Internet
- Talk shows
- Magazines
- Other, please state below:
4) Are your idea's influenced by certain genre's and bands? And if so, how or why?
5) How do you mostly consumer music?
- My Ipod/MP3
- The Radio
- Gigs/Music festivals
- Internet. (Downloading sites such as Itunes)
- Television and TV shows such as MTV
- Other
6) Do you tend to listen to music on your own, or when your with a group of people, such as in night clubs or gigs?
- On my own at home or when listening to my Ipod/MP3
- I prefer to listen to music with my friends
- Depends, both!
7) Do you express and share your music tastes with your friends?
- Yes
- Sometimes, but I worry that my friend's will make fun of me and the music I like
- Never
8) Do you have any opinions on whether or not females respond different to music than males? If you do, please explain and give reasons for your answer.
Thank you for taking your time to fill out this questionnaire!

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