Monday 24 August 2009

Results from my Questionnaire - A2 Summer Project

The demographic for my questionnaire was both females and males between the ages of 16-18, (occupation; sixth form students.) Overall, the results of my questionnaire I didn't find that surprising, and in total I handed out 15 questionnaires (8 being male, 7 female.)

My first question related to whether or not the participants listened to the same genre of music as their friends. In total, 5 out of 8 males stated that they had completely different taste in music to their friends, proposed to only 1 female saying the same thing. Furthermore, the other 3 males said that it varied and they did share similar taste in genre's of music, along with 5 more females which said that they too did share similar tastes in music. Only 1 female admitted to having the exact taste in music as the participants friend's. Therefore, this so far suggests to us that perhaps males and females do respond differently to music, and that females listen to music in order to bond with their friends? Yet, the demographic for my questionnaire was only a small sample, so more evidence would be needed to back up this theory.

Another interesting question which brought out a variety of answers was number 4, asking "Are your idea's influenced by certain genres and bands? If so, how or why?" This generated a range of responses from one participant stating "One of my favourite bands Pink Floyd, influences how I dress as I admire their own clothes," to a female participant stating "Since listening to the pop genre from a young age, it has influenced my interests, such as dancing and shopping." This suggests that perhaps a small amount of student's do admire their favourite genres and bands in terms of idolizing their interests and dress sense.

Number 6 asked whether or not you tended to listen to music on your own, or with a group of people. Surprisingly all females apart from 1, stated that they preferred to listen to music with their friends, where-as 5 males stated that they preferred to listen to music on their own via their MP3/Ipod. Personally, I would have predicted more females to state that enjoyed listening to music on their own through their Ipod's etc, yet this questionnaire showed a different response, suggesting that perhaps females do like listening and dancing to music in clubs or gigs as a way to connect with other people, with the music also influencing their fashion sense. Of course though, a bigger sample would be needed as evidence for this. However, photo's from night clubs go against this theory as just as many males as females do go out and enjoy music with their friends, with genres of music ranging from dub step to hip hop and R&B. Examples of photo's are shown above.

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